Phone: 803-981-1135


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Kimberly Odom

Greetings Patriots!
I am Dr. Kimberly Odom, the very proud principal of Independence Elementary. I would like to welcome you to our website. We appreciate you taking time to learn about our awesome school. You will find helpful information that will give you a sense of who we are as a school community. We take pride in our school and work very hard to ensure that ALL of our scholars are successful. While we have a community of highly qualified and dedicated staff members, we recognize that we can not do this work alone. We want to partner with our families to maximize our scholars' potential to do great things. 

If we can be of service to you, do not hesitate to contact our school to receive assistance. Again, thanks for visiting our website and we look forward to connecting with you soon!


Kimberly C. Odom, Ph.D. 
