Transfer Requests

  • The School Board authorizes the superintendent or his/her designee to make exceptions to the attendance zone requirement when he/she determines attending the zoned school presents a hardship for the student and/or family. Transfer requests will be accepted from parents/legal guardians from Feb. 1 through Feb. 28 each year, unless extenuating circumstances exist.

    Transfer request criteria are as follows:

    • Problems related to severe medical conditions documented on letterhead by a physician.
    • Limited child care availability.
    • Students assigned to an out of zone school by Exceptional Student Services - siblings may apply for a transfer to the same out of zone school.
    • Completion of last grade level at previously assigned school.  Applies to students completing the 5th, 8th, or 12th grade only.
    • Extraordinary circumstances involving sudden traumatic family situations.  Documentation may be requested.

    Due to considerable growth and school capacity concerns, requests based on convenience, proximity to a school, specific program, or conflicts within the school environment are not included in policy criteria and will not be approved.

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