Transportation Registration

  • All requests for transportation will be handled through the  An email with login information was sent to all families. If you did not receive your login credentials or need to make a change, please contact your child's school. 

    Please be advised that processing transportation requests can take up to 3 business days. Your patience and understanding are appreciated.



  • Please get in touch with the appropriate department for information or assistance.

    General Routing Information:
    Dispatch Office
    (803) 980-2022, Option 1

    Special Needs Routing Information:
    Special Needs Facilitator- Corlyss Lewis
    (803) 980-2022, Option 2

    Program Options Routing Information:
    Program Options Facilitator- Michelle Crawford
    (803) 980-2022, Option 3

    To reach any of these departments, you can also email us by clicking here.

My Ride K-12

  • We have partnered with Traversa's My Ride K-12! Click the image below for more information!

    Ride360 LOgo


    Please Note: Bus stop locations and pick-up and drop-off times are subject to change based on student ridership. 

Contact Us

  • Bernard Gil
    Director Of Transportation

    Derek Owens
    Assistant Director Of Transportation

    James Boyd
    Safety Coordinator

    Pamela Alicea
    Routing Coordinator

    Katherine Gonzalez
    Administrative Assistant

    Theresa Royal
    Administrative Assistant