• Athletic Handbook

    Printable version of the Athletic Handbook: CHMS Athletic Handbook

    Please sign the last page of the handbook and return it to your child's coach.


    Athletic Transfer Appeal Process

    See the rules for Athletic Transfers here

    Appeals will be heard by a five member panel comprised of:

    •               Three high school principals
    •               One middle school principal
    •               Associate Superintendent responsible for athletics                                                                                                                                                                                                             

    Appeals will be heard prior to the start of each sport season. 

                  Designated times would be during the following months:

                                May      July       October      February

    The decision of the panel will be provided to the parent/guardian in writing within three days of the appeal hearing. The decision of the panel is final.

    Eligibility appeals need to be submitted in writing to the Planning Office. After written notice is received, the parent/guardian will be notified of the date and time for the Athletic Panel Review.