- Rawlinson Road Middle School
- Core Beliefs
Our Core Beliefs
We believe that...
- All individuals have intrinsic worth.
- All individuals can learn. Learning depends upon the basic needs (physical, social, intellectual and emotional) of every individual being met.
- Understanding diversity and providing for individual differences enriches learning.
- Reading is the foundation for unlimited learning.
- Adults can enable students to fulfill their potential by developing positive relationships with them.
- An environment where taking risks is encouraged and promotes learning.
- The home, school, and community are responsible for working interdependently to ensure the welfare of children.
- School, home and community influence and promote lifelong learning.
- Good health and fitness enhance academic performance.
- A safe and nurturing environment is needed for learning to occur.
- Citizenship skills are essential for an individual to become a productive member of society.
Rawlinson Road Middle School is a suburban school located in the northwestern part of Rock Hill School District Three.