STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) focuses on combining the content areas and finding curriculum links, instead of teaching them separately. Students make more meaning and are exposed to real-world concepts through STEAM integration. The STEAM model provides high-quality learning opportunities that simulate the skills needed in the 21st century workplace. 

    Our vision of STEAM at South Pointe is comprised of the balance of four key concepts: STEAM-mindedness, the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate, the South Carolina State Curriculum Standards, and the engineering/design process. So what does that mean for our students? Guided by the standards and utilizing the concepts listed above, students will be engaged in collaborative, in-depth, meaningful learning. The goal of this approach is to provide students with real-world skills acquired through rigorous cross-curricular learning. In doing this, students will be prepared for life outside of high school and will master content through authentic, inquiry based learning. At South Pointe, our students will use their creativity and innovation to become critical thinkers and problem solvers.