- Lesslie Elementary School
- Kelli McGraw
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Degrees and Certifications:
Kelli McGraw
Welcome to Kindergarten!!
I am Kelli McGraw. I have been a Kindergarten Assistant here at Lesslie Elementary for 13 years! I have 2 biological children, Aubrie Claire (9th grade) and Sawyer (6th grade). I am engaged to Mitch (5 years). I also have a bonus son who attends Lesslie. He is a 4th grader!
A little about me... I attended Lesslie Elementary, Castle Heights Middle School, Rock Hill High School and York Technical College. I am also an online student at Liberty University, furthering my education.
I LOVE animals!! I have a miniature Yorkie named Milo (age 2), 2 Holland Lop bunnies named Buttons and Zipper (ages 3), 2 cats (Kiwi-4 and Snoopy- 6 months), 2 hens and a rooster (Verna, Violet and Vernon).
I also have a parrot (Polly) who is 25 years old!!
Things that I LOVE:
- my family
- baseball
- football
- the beach
being outdoors
Riding in my Jeep with the top down 😉
I love Kindergarten and look forward to a new journey each school year!