• Independence Elementary School

    Library Media Center Policies and Procedures

    The Library Media Center provides access to fiction and non-fiction materials in a variety of formats,
    provides instruction designed to develop information skills,
    assists students in selecting appropriate reading and research materials, and
    works closely with classroom teachers to support units of study in a way that will help students learn to locate, evaluate, and use a broad range of materials and ideas effectively.
    I will be committed to the best program for developing the skills of all children.  All classes will have a regularly scheduled library time throughout the school year. 
    Check Out:
    Students are welcome to check out and return materials any time the library is open and it is okay with their classroom teacher.  If they are finished with materials before their scheduled class time, students are encouraged to return them and check out new materials. 
    Students are able to check out the following number of materials, based on grade level: Kindergarten – 1 item, First, Second and Third Grade – 2 items, Fourth, and Fifth Grade – 3 items.
    Check out privileges will be limited or stopped if students do not return materials.
    Students may check out materials for one week. Any students wishing to keep a book longer may renew their book at least once. Additional renewals will be granted as long as there are no requests for the book. Students are encouraged to make selections based on their own interests and curriculum needs.
    Students are expected to be respectful of people and materials, responsible, and resourceful in the library media center.
    Book Care:
    Students are responsible for the materials checked out to them until they are checked back in at the library. During library class time, students will learn important rules to help them take care of books. We ask that you reinforce these at home.

    1.  Keep books in a safe place, away from pets and small children. It may help your students keep their books dry if they carry them in a waterproof backpack or Ziploc type bag.  Please do not let your students carry water bottles in their backpacks with books!

    2.  Turn book pages carefully from the edges.

    3.  If a book is damaged, return it to the library for mending. NEVER try to mend it at home. We have special materials for mending books.

    4.  Return books to the library on time, so that you may check out different books.

    Unfortunately, even when we make our best efforts to take care of materials, things are sometimes damaged. If an item is damaged, please let us know. We will attempt to repair the book. If it cannot be repaired, you will need to take care of replacing the item.  Please do not try to repair the book yourself!
    Lost and Overdue Materials:
    No late fines are charged for overdue materials.  However, check out privileges will be limited or stopped if students do not return materials.  Since Kindergarten and First Grade students are limited to one book, they must return their book before they can check out another.

    Our goal is for students to have access to their library!  Please come see us if you suspect that an item is lost so that we can work out a solution.

    Damaged and lost materials do need to be replaced in order to maintain our collection.     This may be accomplished in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the family. When possible, it is helpful if the replacement cost for the material is paid so that the same or comparable item may be purchased. If this is not possible, a comparable item may be donated to the library upon approval of the librarian.

    Fines will be refunded if an item that was “lost” is later found and returned.

    If you have questions about an overdue notice, please contact Ms. Weeks. Occasionally, the book does not cancel correctly on the computer and may be on the shelf. Sometimes, parents may send a book back to the school with a child, but it does not make it to the library. Either way, please let us know, and we will help to "track it down."

    If you have questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Weeks, Library Media Specialist, Independence Elementary School, lweeks@rhmail.org or by calling 803-981-1141.