ࡱ> @B? jbjbjvv 7$Y vvvvv8$${&     ,S" v vv  5dv v .z@PY]FFK0{N,##zvzd  {# <:   Summer Math Activities for Students Entering 2nd Grade - JuneBlow a marble, a bottle cap, and a pencil across a table or floor. Measure how far they go. Which goes the farthest? By how far?Count by 2s to 50 starting at 12. Count by 10s to 64 starting at 4. What did you notice about the numbers you say?Ask someone to time how long you can hop on your right foot, then left. Which foot could you hop longer? How longer?How many different ways can you use pennies, nickels and dimes to make 25 cents> to make 50 cents? Record all the ways. Make dots to match the numbers 1-10. Use the dots from your favorite number and turn it into a picture.Create an addition number story. Create a subtraction number story.Find an adults shoe. Measure the length in inches and centimeters. Record your measurement.Do a yes/no survey asking friends and relatives Do you like the rain? Circle which side has the most. Solve: I had 4 shells. I got 2 more. I got 3 more. I lost 2. How many shells do I have? Record and explain your thinking.Count backwards from 30 to 0. Count backwards by 10s form 80 to 0. Count backwards by 5s from 40 to 0. Sort the laundry into categories by owner, by size, by color, by item type. What do you observe about the piles?How many books do you have? First, make an estimate. Then count them. How close was your estimate?What number comes after 27 What number comes before 50? Make u your own what comes after, what number comes before and ask someone to solve.I have a machine that adds 5 to every number I put in. If I put in 4, what comes out? If I put in 15, what comes out? Record.If you see 8 people, how many eyes would you see? If there are 30 toes under the table, how may people are at the table?Roll 2 dice. Add the two digits to find a sum. Do this 20 times. What sums did you get the most often?Cut out a picture from a flier or old magazine. Glue to a blank paper. Write a math story problem for pict.Grab a handful of coins. Sort them and find the value.How long does the traffic light stay green? Red? How could you measure this? How much longer is one light than the other?0+1 1+1 2+1 3+1 4+1 What patterns do you see? Why?Play a board game.I am 7 years old and my sister is 14. Who is younger? How much younger?My sister has 16 stickers and my sister has 9 stickers. Who has more? How many more?Make a tally chart of the number of fruits and vegetables you ate today. Did you eat 5 servings?Get 7 pennies. Put some in 1 hand and some in the other hand. Show 1 hand and have an adult figure out how many are in the other. Switch roles. Play 10 times.Get a pile of coins. Show all the ways to make 15 cents. How do you know you have them all?Use these numbers in a story problem: 18, 9, and 9. Write your own problem for a friend or relative to solve.Play a game. 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