ࡱ> =?< objbjvv 7 ^vvvvv8$/111111,b]v]vvr|vv//enm0  v]]  <:   Summer Literacy Activities for Students Entering 2nd Grade - JulymoviePlay Clap and Count. Say a word and have your child repeat the word and clap the number of syllables.Visit the public library. Check out books to read at home.Read a book in your special outside spot.Share family photos with your child. Talk about where the pictures were taken. Was it a special occasion?Word card review. Say the words quickly.Write a story. Your choice of topic.Go to a movie or rent a movie for you and your child to watch together. Talk about the favorite parts, surprising parts Compound words are two words put together to make a new word. (cupcake) Write as many compound words as you can.Write a letter to a relative. Tell why he/she is special to you.Read a book that makes you happy!Draw and label the parts of a flower.Cut words out of a newspaper or a magazine that you know. How many 2-letter words 3-letter words 4- letter words did you find?Partner read a book. Decide if you will read it together, you read a page, partner reads a page, etc.What IF- Take turns answering hypothetical questions or invent your own. *If you were king/queen, how would you use your power?MAD, SAD, GLAD Play this during dinner to see how everybodys day went. Take turns telling what made you mad, sad,glad during the day Visit the public library. Check out new books to read at home.Alphabet Words Starting with A, find words on signs that begin with each alphabet letter.Choose a book for a bedtime story. Review word cards. Are they recognized in 3 seconds?Relax and read a favorite book.Tell your child about your favorite book as a child.Take your child on a field trip. Read the signs along the way.Write about your field trip. Where did you go? Who went with you? What did you see/do? Read 2 books today. Which one did you like best?-ug -ut -un bug cut bun How many more words can you think of with these endings?Write as many words as you can in 1 minute. Practice word cards. Make 2 stacks. Fast Faster Great job!Summer Fun The best part of summer is _______. 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