- Saluda Trail Middle School
- About STMS
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Saluda Trail Middle School, working with parents and our community, is to provide a safe environment which promotes both academic excellence and self-esteem. Our goal is for students to achieve their maximum potential and become creative thinkers who respect the world around them.
Core Beliefs:
- All individuals have intrinsic worth.
- All individuals can learn.
- Learning depends upon basic needs (physical, social, intellectual, artistic, and emotional) being met.
- Accepting diversity and providing opportunities to learn from individual differences enrich learning.
- Reading is the foundation for unlimited learning.
- Adults can enable students to fulfill their potential by developing positive relationships with them.
- Learning is promoted in an environment where taking educational risks is encouraged.
- Parents, teachers and staff, businesses, and community members are responsible for working interdependently to ensure the welfare and education of children.
- Schools will encourage students to become lifelong learners.
- All students must respect each other’s right to learn.
- Global and cultural awareness broadens a student’s perspective of himself and his world.
- Learning to communicate is critical to an individual’s success.
- Service for others promotes good citizenship and global respect for our environment.
Learner Standards:
Students will:
- strive for excellence in communication (reading, writing, listening and speaking), math and science.
- demonstrate an understanding of the world including knowledge of geography, history and languages.
- demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the visual arts, performing arts, physical fitness and wellness.
- make connections between subject areas by participating in interdisciplinary units of study.
- use technology effectively to access and use information.
- utilize problem solving strategies and thinking skills to make creative and competent decisions in real life.
- demonstrate the ability to work independently and cooperatively to solve problems.
- be accountable for their own learning including setting goals and evaluating progress.
- display the self-discipline, self-control, and work ethic that will enable them to be successful as learners, workers, family members, and productive citizens in our society.
- demonstrate respect for their own uniqueness and self-worth.
- understand the differences and similarities of culture, race, gender, and abilities of others.
- understand and practice democratic ideas and ideals.
- participate in authentically engaging activities that encourage learning.
- develop individual talents, curiosity, and creativity.
Middle School Goals:
- We will provide a positive school climate where opportunities for participation and success are ensured for all learners.
- We will provide a meaningful and challenging educational experience that is distinctively different from either elementary or secondary schools and allows for a gradual and appropriate transition between the two.
- We will provide an appropriate developmental guidance program.
- We will provide an effective education through the curriculum, complemented with updated materials and textbooks and coordinated with state standards.
- We will provide instruction through a mentoring system which promotes guidance, counseling and reflection.
- We will provide interdisciplinary opportunities for academic development through a wide range of content and elective courses.
What is STEAM:
- It is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. STEM schools provide an integrated curriculum with a focus on inquiry, questioning and opportunities for problem solving to think like an engineer.