Northside Elementary School was founded in the year 1902. Under the leadership of Ms Mattie White, Northside began its role in providing quality education to the Rock Hill community. Northside occupied the Manchester Methodist Church basement until 1912 and moved to a new site in 1913 and was known as the Aragon-Manchester School. Then in 1924, Northside Elementary School was opened at the corner of North Confederate Avenue and Annafrel Street, a single story building with eight classrooms and space for 100 students.
Today, Northside Elementary has gone through several renovations and now houses over 500 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Northside has been a school of the arts for over 11 years. It is the only school to offer dance, drama, art, music, and physical education to students. All grades see professional performances throughout the year and all grades are involved in a performance each year. Northside also offers an arts explorers program, stings/guitar/drumming lessons after school, and arts integrated into every classroom.
The power of being an arts school is in the level of engagement of all the students in the core classes as well as in the arts classes. When students are engaged, they are more active learners and retain more information.