Is he/she well enough to send to school?
See these links from the SCDHEC.gov website:
- for Kindergarten in English
- en Español por Kindergarten
- for 1st-12th Grades in English
- en Español for 1st-12th Grades
Ebinport's School Nurse is Rhonda Cranford and our Guidance Counselor is Lou Ellen Holliday
If you have any questions for the School Nurse, her email address is rcranfor@rhmail.org and the Guidance Counselor is lcbarksdale@rhmail.org
If your child needs to have medications stored at the school because of medical conditions such as allergies or others, the school must have a signed form from your child's doctor. Call the school nurse to get these forms at 981-1564 or come by the school office and ask for them.
Some additional resources for families can be found here:
Oakland Baptist - provides clothing for families with voucher - 329-2428
Toys for Happiness - provides Christmas assistance (Must sign up in October) - 981-1557
Steppin High - provides new shoes for children in need - School Counselor is contact
Salvation Army - assists families with food and housing needs - 324-5141