Our IHES Spirit Rocks are now available for families to reserve and show their school spirit! You can reserve the rock for anything – your child/grandchild’s birthday, to recognize your favorite teacher or staff member, congratulatory events, good luck on competitions and tournaments, or recognizing milestones. PS...did you know there are TWO rocks to choose from? We have a rock at the front entrance, as well as the teacher/bus lot!
The IHES Spirit Rock is available for $10/day donation to the PTO. This only includes reservation of the rock. The PTO is NOT responsible for the painting or designing of the rock.
Sign-ups are in 24 hour periods from 4 pm the day before until 4 pm the day you reserved it. For example, if you sign up for Thursday, September 15th you may paint the rock after 4pm on Wednesday, September 14th and will have it through 4pm on Thursday. Please triple check your dates!
How To Sign Up!
Sign up for your date(s) using the button below (this will take you to a "Sign Up Genius"). Be sure to click "Submit and Sign Up" on the Sign Up Genius page so that your dates will be reserved. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE TWO ROCK OPTIONS. Please be careful when signing up!
Back Rock (Bus loop/teacher lot):
Within 1 week: please pay the $10/day donation via PayPal link below. Or send a check made out to "IHES PTO" with "Spirit Rock" in the notes section. Be sure to include your name, your child's name, and reserved date on your envelope to help us track your payment - or send in with your student.
Please note: If you are unable to pay within 1 week, we will have to release your date.
The PTO is NOT responsible for the painting or designing of the rock.
- It takes approximately 2 cans of spray paint to cover the base of the rock.
- Designs can be done in spray paint or acrylic/craft paint (acrylic is great for details!)
- If bad weather is in the forecast, it is a great idea to cover with a light coating of clear coat spray paint.