- Rock Hill High School
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School Counseling
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Academics and Course Selection
Every year, students in grades 8-12 meet with a counselor to update thier IGP (Individual Graduation Plan), which includes planning for beyond high school and selecting courses for the upcoming school year to coorrdinate with those goals. Review the resources below for detailed academic information and options.
2016-2017 Course Catalog: Course Catalog
IB/AP/Dual Credit Presentation: AP/IB/Dual Credit 2016
9th Grade IGP Parent Meeting: 9th Grade IGP Info
Rising 9th Grade Night: Rising 9th Info Session
The Guidance office advertises any new scholarships that are received on the announcements weekly, on the Guidance Facebook page, Guidance Twitter page and on the 2016-2017 Scholarship Opportunities link below. In addition, we keep a hard copy of all scholarships in a book in the guidance office, when an online application is unavailable.
Students are encouraged to apply to any scholarship for which they meet the criteria. The RHHS School Counseling and Guidance department organizes scholarships in a central location as a way to help students. Students are responsible for searching for scholarships and applying for potential awards.
* This listing is a compliation of awards that are sent to RHHS for publicizing and is NOT a comprehensive listing of every scholarship available. *
Scholarships for Undocumented Students
Money for College information
Scholarship search
Veteran and Military education information
Education information for Hispanic students
Scholarships for Hispanic students
SC Student Loan information
Financial Aid information
Scholarship search
College and financial aid information
Federal student aid programs
Fed Money Guide
FinAid Guide
Student Gateway to US Government
International Education Financial Aid
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering
National Service
United States Institute of PeaceSAT/ACT Testing
SAT-Register at www.sat.org/register
Visit www.collegeboard.com for test dates, free practice and more! See your counselor if you want to determine if you qualify for a test fee waiver.
ACT-Register at www.actstudent.org
Visit www.act.org for test dates, free practice and more! See your counselor if you want to determine if you qualify for a test fee waiver. For the past 2 academic years, SC has given the ACT to all juniors at school for free as the mandated state assessment.