• Frequently Asked Questions

    1. School Doors Open at 7:00. Students will be allowed in the building at 7:00. Please do
    not allow your child to arrive before 7:00 A.M.
    2. Walkers and Car Riders—Can enter in the front or back of the school.
    3. Bus Riders—Will be dropped off in the front of the school.
    4. If parents need to park and come into the school before school, please use spaces in
    the front of the school. Please do not park cars on the street of Richmond Drive.
    5. The back doors lock promptly at 7:40am. After this time all students must enter the
    front door.
    6. Students arriving after the 7:45 tardy bell will need to enter the main office with an
    adult and signed in by the adult. If a student reaches 10 days tardy, an attendance
    intervention plan will be put into place.

    Students are required to attend school 170 days out of the 180 days school according to
    SC State Law. Attendance does impact student achievement.
    Any student missing school must present a written excuse, signed by a parent/guardian,
    or a medical excuse. If this excuse is not turned in within three days after the student is
    back in school, the absence will be unlawful. The maximum number of days that will be
    recorded as lawful “written excused” absences with parent notes will be five.
    Students are considered lawfully absent when:
    1. They are ill and their attendance in school would endanger their health or the
    health of others.
    2. There is a death or serious illness in their immediate family.
    3. There is a recognized religious holiday of their faith.
    4. Activities approved in advance by the principal.
    5. The student is suspended out of school.
    6. There is a necessary medical or legal appointment that cannot be scheduled during
    non-school time.
    Lawful absences allow students to make up missed work.

    1. Students will be dismissed at 2:10 P.M.
    2. Early Releases—Early dismissals (parent pick-up/student sign-outs) end at 1:45 unless
    he/she has a doctor’s appointment or there is an emergency. It is difficult for our school
    to safely dismiss all students to their proper locations if there are exceptions to how they
    go home.
    3. Car Riders—Will be picked up in the designated area in the back of the school that can
    be accessed using the traffic loop by the playground from Richmond Drive or from
    McDow Street.
    Bus Riders—Will be picked up at the front of the school.
    Van Riders—Will be picked up in front of the school near the PE room.
    Walkers—Will be escorted out the back and front of the school with staff members.
    Walkers should use sidewalks and should cross only where adults are located.
    4. All parents should wait in the car line to pick up their child. Place a pickup card on
    your dashboard with the students’ names.
    5. Please let your child’s teacher know how he/she will be going home each day and how
    he/she will go home on inclement weather days. Dismissal changes should be made in
    writing. NO changes will be made after 1:45 pm.
    6. Bike riders are to leave school grounds at dismissal with staff. Bike riders should lock
    their bike in front of the school.