

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Amanda Simmons Jackson


My name is Amanda Simmons Jackson and this is my 15th year in education. I was born and raised in Mauldin, South Carolina with my twin sister Adriann, and older sister Lacey. I received my bachelors in Elementary Education from South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina. My Dad, sisters and I are all proud graduates of this illustrious institution. Go Bulldogs! 

I returned home after graduating in 2008 to teach in Greenville County Schools! I began my career teaching Science Lab on the elementary level. I taught 2nd and 3rd grade before meeting my amazing husband Derrick and moving to the Charlotte area. I taught 4th, 3rd, and 2nd grade here at Ebinport before moving into this role. 

I love being apart of this amazing school as an educator, and parent! In my personal time I enjoy spending time with my Mama and sisters, children and traveling to new places with my husband. Together Derrick and I have 4 children, my bonus son Keenan (18) a student athlete at N.C.State, son Dallas (8), and daughters Ayrsley (5) and Walker (3). 

I am so excited to be the Dean of Student Leadership here and work with some of the best families and staff around. Please feel free to reach out me, I will do my best to assist in any way I can!
